Report an Unregistered Roofing Contractor

Please use this form to submit a tip to our office of an unregistered roofing contractor.

IMPORTANT: If you have done business with an unregistered contractor and wish to file a complaint against that company, please use the Consumer Protection Investigation Request Form.

Your information:

Not required. Leave blank to file the tip anonymously. While our office will review every form submitted, you may not be informed of any investigations or actions taken as a result of your tip.

Roofer information:

Please provide as much information as possible to assist us in locating the roofing contractor.
If the roofer had a registration certificate that was expired, or provided you with a registration number you believe may have been falsified, please provide that registration number here.
Please provide any additional details regarding the roofing contractor. Please include descriptions of individuals, vehicles, advertising, etc.
Where were the individuals or vehicles last seen?


If you have documents or photos to support your tip, please upload them here. Supported file types include PDF or JPG.
Upload files
