Office of the Medicaid Inspector General

The Office of Medicaid Inspector General (OMIG) was transferred to the Attorney General’s Office in June 2017. The duties of the OMIG are to establish a full-time program of audit, investigation and performance review to provide increased accountability, integrity and oversight of the Kansas Medicaid program (KanCare), the MediKan program, and the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (SCHIP), and to assist in improving state agency and program operations and help deter and identify fraud, waste, abuse, and illegal acts related to those programs.1

1. K.S.A. 75-7427(b)(1)

News Highlights


To report suspected fraud, waste, abuse, or illegal acts involving the Medicaid, MediKan, or SCHIP programs, please click here to use our online contact form or call 785-296-8637. You may also send information by mail to the address at the bottom of the page.

Citizens may report to the OMIG concerns about suspected fraud, waste, abuse, or illegal acts involving KanCare, MediKan, or SCHIP. All complaints received by the OMIG concerning those programs are reviewed by OMIG staff and may become part of an audit or investigation.

The identity of any person submitting a report concerning fraud, waste, abuse, or illegal acts involving the KanCare, MediKan, or SCHIP programs shall remain confidential unless that person consents in writing to the disclosure of their identity. All information received by the OMIG about suspected fraud, waste, abuse, or illegal acts shall not be made public unless:

  • Release of the information would not result in the identification of the person who provided the information;
  • the person or persons who provided the information to be disclosed consent in writing prior to its disclosure;
  • the disclosure is necessary to protect the public health; or
  • the information to be disclosed is required in an administrative proceeding or court proceeding and appropriate provision has been made to allow disclosure of the information without disclosing to the public the identity of the person or persons who reported such information to the Inspector General.1

1. K.S.A. 75-7427(k)(1)

Annual Reports

Audit Reports

Audit ReportsIssued OnTypeSize
This report contains findings from our performance audit of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s (KDHE) and the Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services’ (KDADS) oversight of ...
April 13, 2022PDF2.30 MB
22-03 (Amended)
This report contains information about processing Medicaid claims and the related capitation payments after someone dies.
September 17, 2021PDF754.46 KB
This report contains findings from our review of the Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s – Division of Health Care Finance (KDHE-DHCF) process for discontinuing MediKan when a beneficiary e...
July 30, 2021PDF873.27 KB
This report contains information concerning the difficulties that Kansas citizens face when trying to report Medicaid eligibility fraud.
July 30, 2021PDF1.34 MB
This report contains findings from a review of the United States Department of Health and Human Services Office of Inspector General’s List of Excluded Individuals/Entities (LEIE).
June 05, 2020PDF700.18 KB

The OMIG is not authorized to act as a private attorney or investigator and cannot directly assist in resolving individual complaints about the programs within the OMIG’s jurisdiction.


Office of the Medicaid Inspector General
120 SW 10th Ave., 2nd Floor
Topeka, KS 66612-1597
(785) 296-5050

Fraud & Abuse
