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Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Prevention Council
Office of Kansas Attorney General Derek Schmidt
120 SW 10th Ave, 2nd Fl.
Topeka, KS 66612-1597
P: (785) 296-2215
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Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Prevention Council
The Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Prevention Council was created through the attorney general's regulatory authority under Kansas law to advise and make recommendations to the Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation Unit, which works with the Kansas Department for Children and Families, Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services, Kansas Department of Health and Environment, law enforcement and prosecutors statewide to help prevent and prosecute crimes against vulnerable adults across Kansas.
The council's duties include establishing working groups on specific topics, developing local or regional multi-disciplinary teams to assist local authorities in investigating abuse and neglect, as well as coordinating and engaging in education and outreach activities including creating a publicly available clearinghouse of information on elder and dependent adult abuse prevention.
Council Members
Stacy Edwards, Chair
First Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division - Economic Crimes
Dawne Altis
Assistant Commissioner for SCC, KDADS
Dr. Stephen Benson
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Barbara Conant
Public Policy Coordinator, Kansas Advocates for Better Care
Kathy Greenlee
Former Assistant Secretary for Aging, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Chrisy Khatib
Deputy Director of Prevention and Protection Services, DCF
Fran Oleen
Deputy Attorney General, Public Protection Division
Tina Robinson
Multidisciplinary Team Coordinator, Criminal Division - Economic Crimes
Robert Short
Office of the Sedgwick County District Attorney, Chief Assistant District Attorney
Jerry Smith
Director of the Bureau of Community Health Systems, KDHE
Kathy Taylor
Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Kansas Bankers Association
Jackie Williams
First Assistant Attorney General, Criminal Division - Medicaid Fraud; Director, Medicaid Fraud Control Unit
Jacklyn Zickel
Detective, Overland Park Police Department
Upcoming Meetings
February 20 2024 Agenda Elder Council