YOUR Money

I have an unauthorized charge on my bank account or credit card.
What do I do?

You should immediately notify your bank or credit card company of the unauthorized charge and make them aware that you did not authorize the charge.

Most banks require a specific notarized form to take action on an unauthorized transaction. It may be necessary to go to the bank in person and fill out the paperwork with the assistance of a bank employee. If the unauthorized withdrawal caused you to be charged any overdraft fees or any other fees, you may also request those be removed.

The procedure for disputing a credit card charge varies by credit card company, so you may wish to contact your credit card company by calling the number on the back of your card to find out their procedure. The dispute should be done quickly; federal law allows only sixty (60) days from the date you receive the bill showing the erroneous charge to challenge the charge. Some credit card companies allow more time for a dispute, so even if you are outside of 60 days we recommend you still follow the dispute procedures. If you write your credit company to dispute the charge, it is a good idea to include a brief paragraph explaining why you believe the charges are fraudulent or in error. For additional information, please visit on the Fair Credit Billing Act.

If you have spoken with your bank or credit card company, and the unauthorized charge still remains, you may want to file an Investigative Request with our office.

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