The Attorney General's Office researches and prepares legal opinions in response to requests from elected officials or government agencies seeking interpretation and advice on state laws.
Opinions issued since 2023 are available on this website. Use the search function below or click the links to browse by year. For opinions issued prior to 2023, please
visit the opinions database hosted by Washburn Law School.
If you would like to request an Attorney General's Opinion, please review our policy regarding the furnishing of written opinions.
Please remember, the Attorney General represents the State of Kansas and its public officials in legal matters. We cannot provide legal advice or represent individuals in personal legal matters or disputes with local or state government. However, we can provide general information and direct individuals to appropriate agencies.
Please note: Many factors, including subsequent legislation and court decisions, can affect the validity of past opinions. In most cases, determining the accuracy of past opinions requires a complete re-examination of the questions addressed in the opinion. It is impossible to maintain a constant review of the validity of past opinions. Our opinions are written to explain the legal issues and the law at the time the opinion is written.
Legal Opinions and Government Counsel Division
120 SW 10th Ave., 2nd Floor
Topeka, KS 66612-1597
(785) 296-2215
Send us an email.