Racial and Bias-Based Policing

Model Policy

KSA 22-4610 subsection (c), as amended by Section 3 of Chapter 94 of the 2011 Kansas Session Laws requires every Kansas law enforcement agency to have a Racial or Biased-Based Policing Policy and contains specific requirements the policy must contain. This model policy was prepared by the Office of the Attorney General to assist Kansas law enforcement agencies to comply with the statutory requirement. It is designed to apply to all members of the agency; sworn and non-sworn, including volunteers. This model policy is intended to not only address the needs of your agency employees and volunteers but also to provide understanding by the members of your community.

File a Complaint

Annual Reporting Form

KSA 22-4610(d) requires all law enforcement agencies to file an annual report of complaints alleging racial or other bias-based policing with the Office of the Attorney General at the end of each state fiscal year. Reporting is required even if no complaints were received. The report is due by July 31. 

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Attorney General’s Office Annual Reports

Public Safety
